- Jul 30, 2021
Der Animalismus Yoga
The animals of yoga positions are the inspiration for these original cards, illustrated and written by Jamie. They are each an ode to the...
- Mar 26, 2021
Wir möchten Ihnen Victoria vorstellen, eine Diepholzer Gans von Disentis (Homepage hier). Sie ist nicht die Wachgans, die wir erwartet...
- Sep 5, 2020
Mangalica Pigs | Wollschweine
Pascal's dream came true! Pascals Traum wurde wahr!
- Jun 17, 2020
We ordered a BeeHome from Wildbienen und Partner and we are fascinated by the progress the Mason Bees are making. The Observation Drawer...
- Jun 5, 2020
Kids | Kitze
On May 3rd, Eli had her twins (boys, Zig and Zag). It was a bit later than I expected, and I was quite nervous about the delivery, but...
- May 18, 2020
Peacocks | Pfauen
Die deutsche Version ist unten. On April 20th, we adopted four peafowls (three boys and one girl): Zoltan, Attila, Oskar and Anna. They...
- Mar 20, 2020
Lars/Curing Allergies | Allergien heilen
Last autumn and into winter, we seemed to have a proper mice problem. Every evening we set up about six traps (non-deadly traps) in the...
- Mar 19, 2020
Chickens | Hühner
On the 27th of January, we rescued 12 chickens from rettetdashuhn.ch. They come from industrial farms and were scheduled to be killed as...
- Mar 12, 2020
Goat Milk Soap | Geissemilchseife
Eli, our mother goat, stopped milking in December, which means we can no longer make fresh goat cheese. But it's still possible to make...
- Feb 13, 2020
Attic | Dachboden
In November we had the attic and stairway painted and in December we had the carpet installed Come February, the final details are coming...
- Jan 31, 2020
Attic Renovation | Mansardenrenovierung
In the middle of December, the attic had been painted and the old carpet had been removed. Now it was just a question of how to get the...
- Oct 25, 2019
The Horse Chestnut in Autumn | Die Rosskastanie im Herbst
As far we know, this is the first year the horse chestnut bore fruit. The colors of the leaves and fruit are earthy delicious. Soweit wir...