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Raised Beds | Hochbeeten

Die deutsche Version is unten.

There are plenty of flowers and trees that happily grow in the soil that's naturally found on the property, but vegetables have a much better chance, especially from seed, if grown in raised beds with the ideal soft soil and compost.

An unused section in front of the house next to the cellar and the hiking trail gets a lot of sun throughout the day. It's also directly next to one of the outdoor faucets. I've decided it's the perfect place to grow vegetables, so Pascal built three simple boxes that could be filled with the ideal three-layer environment: wood chips, compost, and soil. I planted mixed colorful carrots in one box, a baby red currant and a baby black currant in the second, and spinach in the third. My plan is to plant a few marigolds in each bed, as well, as those might deter insects. You can also plant onions, whose pungent smell also deter insects from approaching carrots.

While spinach is fairly easy to grow without much trouble, carrots can attract carrot flies if you're not careful. One should sow the seeds quite conservatively. That way you don't have to thin the sprouts afterward. This is important because when you thin carrot plants a particular scent wafts into the air, attracting carrot flies.


Heute Morgen bin ich um das Haus gelaufen, um nach einem guten Platz für Gemüse zu suchen. Ich entschied, dass der Platz neben dem Keller perfekt ist. Es ist sehr sonnig dort. Es ist auch neben dem Wasserhahn.

Pascal hat drei Hochbeeten gebaut. Ich habe Ruebli, Johannisbeeren, Schwarze Johannisbeeren, und Spinat gepflanzt. Ich habe eine Decke auf den Boden der Beerenbüsche gelegt, um die nächsten zwei Wochen warm zu halten.

Der Spinat sollte in ein paar Wochen spriessen, während die Karotten in 3-4 Wochen Spriessen sollten.

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